DanAm Air also offers significant savings on installation, maintenance and operating costs compared to traditional pipe. The quick, instant connections eliminate the need to thread, solder or glue pipe. Labor accounts for only 20% of the cost of installing DanAm Air, while labor accounts for 50% to 80% of the cost of installing steel or copper systems. DanAm Air’s aluminum pipe system significantly reduces plant energy costs by increasing efficiency, reducing pressure drops, and eliminating leaks.


Installation Cost


DanAm Air’s aluminum compressed air pipe system is quick to install and easy to modify. DanAm Air components are removable and interchangeable, which allows immediate and easy layout modifications. Unlike the performance of steel and copper, which degrades over time due to corrosion, DanAm Air provides clean air quality with optimum flow rate performance.

Revision Rods & Rides
Rapid City, SD
“Dan-Am Air continues to meet and exceed my expectations for being user friendly during install and providing continued quality everyday. Without question Dan-Am Air is the best airline system on the market.”
Tyler Nelson
Revision Rods & Ride
KC's Speed Shop
Fort Worth, TX

fitting installation
What our customers are saying
Quick Installation
“I found your assistance with the layout and estimation of my air distribution system to be invaluable. Dan-Am Air answered all of my questions quickly, and helped to explain how to make everything work together.”
Tom, Wichita KS
Love It!
“Recently we installed the DanAm Air in our new addition to the shop. How clean, easy to install and professional looking system it is. WOW What a difference. I would recommend it to anyone thinking of replacing airlines. With DanAm Air’s easy quick connectors, ceiling hangers, what a difference of dry air quality in the shop. What a breeze to install.
Jeff Luhmann
Owner/Operator Golden Fenders ,Inc.
Jackson, MN
Flawlessly Dependable
“We have had the Dan-Am Air piping system for several years and it has been flawlessly dependable. I never have to worry about safe healthy air supply for our paint staff.“

Kevin Aaker

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